How Important is Regular Air Conditioner Servicing?

We all know in everyday life that if we don’t maintain something, it will probably, eventually, either come to a screeching halt, perform inefficiently or break altogether. Our vehicles, homes, plants, and even our bodies, need regular maintenance, as do your air conditioning and refrigeration systems.

a man giving the thumb's up sign while also holding a gauge manifold

Benefits of Regular Air Conditioner Servicing

Regularly maintaining your air conditioner has a variety of benefits, such as:

  1. Extending the lifespan of the unit;
  2. Allowing the system to operate effectively and at its most efficient, enabling you to save money on running costs;
  3. Spotting issues before they cause even bigger problems and thus lowering overall repair costs;
  4. Helping prevent breakdowns during periods of high demand during summer and winter; and
  5. Ensuring your home receives clean air, free from mould and bacteria.

Issues that May Arise if you Neglect Your Air Conditioner

Failure to regularly maintain your air conditioner can result in unfavourable situations. What can happen is:

  1. The unit will underperform; it won’t cool or heat to their optimum;
  2. It will generate odours from bacteria; germs and mould become airborne, creating health issues;
  3. It will become inefficient, resulting in increased power usage, or require more power for your desired temperature;
  4. It may cause refrigerant leaks;
  5. A/C unit components can malfunction; and
  6. Drains can become blocked and cause leaks or spillage.

How Often Should You Service Your Air Conditioner?

Regular maintenance is a must for air conditioners, even if you don’t see or suspect any problems. For domestic air conditioner units, you should have them serviced at least once a year, while commercial ones should be serviced every three to six months instead. It’s also advisable to have them serviced before or after summer, which is the ideal period for technicians to check for heat or weather damage.


How Can You Maintain Your Air Conditioning System?

There are some DIY maintenance tasks you can do for your indoor split-system unit. One of the easiest to perform is periodical cleaning of the filters. These can be rinsed with water, left out to dry, then refit. Depending on where you live, this could be done anywhere between every 6 – 12 months. Alternatively, we can perform as little or as much maintenance as you need to keep your system running at peak performance. Above all else, keeping on top of this will go a long way to preventing problems down the track.


Air Conditioning Service & Maintenance Plans in Cairns

Contact us anytime to discuss a maintenance plan. We’ll lay out our comprehensive checklist in plain Aussie language, not industry jargon.